Thanks to the massive depressive episode, and the massive anxiety issue that followed it, my reading habits have fallen into a bit of a slump I spent the last few months mostly rereading/relistening the fluffiest stuff in my libraries. But now that I’m feeling almost normal, I’ve been slowly getting through some of the things in my backlog.
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall
I liked it, but I didn’t love it. The omniscient narration did give me a really good idea for that one series I’ve been poking at for a while, so that was nice. Thanks, Alexis!
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter, also by Alexis Hall
This was a weird little book, a sort of fantasy Sherlock Holmes by way of Lovecraftian horror, a really fascinating ride. I got it back in 2019 when it was published, but I kind of zoned out of the story about three quarters of the way through and just never got back to it. Finally finished it, and I have to say, I have mad admiration for Alexis Hall’s vocabulary.
Broadway Butchery by CS Poe
The third volume in the Memento Mori series, and it was just as good as the first two. This is one of the best murder mystery series I’ve read in a long time, highly recommend.
Apprentice’s Luck by KL Noone
Another excellent installment in this world, I think it might be my favorite so far. A really sweet romance, and Talis’ journey to discovering his magic’s true power was wonderful. There is to be another story with these two, which makes me happy!
I’ve also listened to Winter’s Orbit by Everina Maxwell again, prior to finally starting the sequel, Ocean’s Echo. I’m liking it well enough so far, though it has yet to really capture my attention. I’ve also got Fourth Wing from the library, and I have to say, it doesn’t live up to the hype. Can’t say I’m surprised, YA as a genre is middling at best, and nothing that’s that popular on Book Tok could possibly be good. It’s not as awful as my Booktubers led me to believe, but I’m personally finding it kind of boring. *shrug*